Need an Animation Studio?

🤙 Call us, we don’t bite

Grizzle makes eye-popping animation for campaigns with big personality.

Agencies and brands like Red Bull and Adidas come to us for end-to-end delivery of standout animated content.

Got a project in mind? If you want to chat anything animation, call us.
Or if you prefer, drop into our Animation Studio in London or Sheffield.

We’re happy to give some friendly advice.

Chat with Freddie ⬇️

Freddie Littlewood

Animation Director

Why use animation?

  • Animation brings depth, realism and engagement to video.
  • Humans love to digest visual information – 65% of us are visual learners.
  • Animation can be a great tool to help tell your story with depth and character.

How do I best get my project rolling?

Call us first – it’s so hard to know where to start so let us help you out.

There are many styles and techniques to choose from and each method is associated with varying timeframes and budgets.

We highly recommend chatting to us on the phone first so we can help you in the right direction.

We might be the perfect match for your requirements, or we simply might not be. In any case we’re happy to help.

What is Grizzle good for?

Wooah woooah, absolutely nothing – don’t sing that.

We’ve created some great pieces of work by hand using traditional 2D animation methods.

We’ve also created photo realistic animation using modern 3D animation techniques.

And, we’ve explored most techniques in between.

The goal of every piece of work we do is to drive engagement with the viewer and ultimately your customer.

The Grizzle portfolio holds animation for a range of purposes, from Social Media Advertising campaigns, TV Shows, Product Explainer videos, Game Design and more.

You can more examples of our work here or for a bitesize sample of the projects we’ve worked on why not check our reel on the homepage.

Get in touch today – let’s discuss your project.

Get in touch

Call us on 020 3143 3249

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