Need a Motion Graphics Studio serving Manchester?

🤙 Call us, we don’t bite

Grizzle makes eye-popping motion graphics for campaigns with big personality.

Agencies and brands like Red Bull and Adidas come to us for end-to-end delivery of standout motion design.

Got a project in mind? If you want to chat anything motion graphics, call us. Or if you prefer, drop into our Motion Graphics Studio – we service Manchester, Sheffield and London.

We’re happy to give some friendly advice.

Chat with Freddie ⬇️

Freddie Littlewood

Animation Director

Why use Motion Graphics?

  • Motion graphics brings smooth, flowing motion and engagement to video.
  • Humans love to digest visual information – 65% of us are visual learners.
  • Motion graphics can be a great tool to help tell your story with simple clean-cut graphics.
  • Motion graphics can often be easier to produce when compared to traditional filmed footage.

Motion Graphics used throughout the FM2019 Trailer

Motion Graphics used throughout the FM2019 Trailer

How do I best get my project rolling?

Call us first – it’s so hard to know where to start so let us help you out.

There are many styles of motion graphics to choose from and each method is associated with varying timeframes and budgets.

We highly recommend chatting to us on the phone first so we can help you in the right direction.

Our studio might be the perfect match for your requirements, or we simply might not be. In any case we’re happy to help.

Is this Motion Graphics or Animation?

Motion Graphics is a style of animation. Sometimes hard to tell the difference – check out this handy blog post for more info.

What is Grizzle good for?

Wooah woooah, absolutely nothing – don’t sing that.

We’ve created motion graphics in many different ways – here’s a handy link to all the motion graphics projects currently on our website.

You might also ask what is the difference between motion graphics and animation? The answer is, well, not much. We’ve attempted to explain the difference here in this blog post.

The goal of every piece of work we do here at our motion graphics studio is to drive engagement with the viewer and ultimately your customer.

The Grizzle portfolio holds motion graphics for a range of purposes, from Social Media Advertising Campaigns, TV Shows, Product Explainer Videos, Game Design and more.

You can view more examples of our work here or for a bite-sized sample of the motion graphics we’ve made why not check our reel on the homepage.

Benefits of Motion Graphics

1. It’s fun and engaging

Motion graphics brings an intriguing aspect to your marketing material.

Your target market, whether that’s b2b or b2c, will stay engaged whilst absorbing the information you’re providing.

As we said, 65% of us are visual learners, so what better way to get your message across than with enticing motion design of your product, service or whatever you may be promoting.

Here at Grizzle Motion Graphics Studio London, we’re hot on making things as fresh as possible. 😎

It’s at the heart of everything we make and we honestly can’t get enough of it.

We’ll apply this work ethos to your project to make you and your product or service stand out from the crowd.

2. Motion Graphics can maximise your conversion rate

Who doesn’t want to do that, right?

A business’ most useful tracking metric is their conversion rate – without it, how do you know what’s working and what isn’t?

Some businesses produce plain, uninspiring media, either by choice or not, that doesn’t engage their target market.

This won’t boost your conversion rate and will most likely not entice your market to buy.

That’s where motion graphics comes in.

You get complete control over what you’re showing your market – you know them better than anyone, so you know what they’ll like and engage with.

Brilliant motion graphics can engage a large demographic of people from old to young. An engaged and well-informed customer is more likely to become a conversion.

We can create the message you need in an easily digestible style.

Essentially, this provides your target market with everything they need about your offering in the best way possible, maximising conversions.

3. Motion Graphics leaves a memorable (and consistent) lasting impression

Maintaining visual consistency of a brand can be a challenge. Motion graphics can help keep your brand and message uniform.

Look at a yellow M on a red background and you instantly know what it is.

That’s the lasting impression our motion graphics can provide for your business.

Working with you, we’ll develop a video that gets across all the key points of your product or service in an engaging, on-brand, impression-making piece of media.

No matter your target market, industry or brand style, we can produce motion graphics that’ll wholly capture the interest of whoever you’re selling to.

4. Motion Graphics is easily-updatable so no need to re-shoot live footage

Sometimes shooting live footage is a great way to promote your product. It’s a route that many businesses use to promote their offers, but it hosts potential issues and sometimes escalating costs:

You may not have all the footage you need so the video needs re-shooting;

Paying for actors, on-set producers and post-production editors can quickly add up too;

It may not engage your target market as much as you were hoping – that’s a big loss if the final video doesn’t end up driving sales as much as you’d hoped.

Motion graphics can help alleviate some of these issues by being more malleable in the initial stages. Basically, motion graphics can be described as different elements of animated footage that come together to produce the illusion of motion or rotation.

A picture tells a thousand words and in the initial stages that’s exactly what we’ll do. We will talk about points of reference from existing artwork or motion design pieces – sometimes from us and sometimes from other motion studios.

Once we understand the style we’re aiming for we can create a storyboard which will let you develop and clearer understanding of the direction of the piece. At this point it’s quick and easy to make edits to both the style and story.

Sometimes we will develop the storyboard into an animatic which helps get a feel the timing and pace of the final piece. Another method we use is to create a sample of the motion graphics animation for sign off before continuing. Again, it’s all about eliminating uncertainties as to what the final piece will look and feel like.

You’re also only paying for what you need, a dedicated in-house studio to produce the graphics – we don’t have endless on-set production supervisors that eat away at your budget.

Motion graphics can make the whole process easier, and you have full control over what your target market would like to see.

5. Everyone can understand it

The “I don’t know what’s going on” feeling isn’t great, is it?

With clean, clear-cut and precise motion graphics, your target market won’t be confused about what you’re showing them.

Motion graphics can be as informative as you need.

Mixing the information with fun, enticing motion graphics can really engage whoever you’re targeting, helping them understand your brand, product, service and story.

It’s also usually much easier to version a motion graphics video into different languages for use in a range of worldwide markets.

Whether you don’t know what you want from your animation project, or whether you already have a well-developed idea, we can help you produce an impactful, engaging motion graphics video that your target market will love.


Get in touch

Call us on 0161 821 1624

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