
Pegasus Animation & ASOS - 2D Animation

‘Free’ Running

Life in the city is stressful. Everyone needs some headspace. But, how do you turn off from it? Could running be the answer? We decided to find out for ASOS with this Nike Pegasus animation.

Running has a lift-off moment – you can lose yourself – you can transport your brain to anywhere in the cosmos. The burdens of everyday life just floats away. Whether it’s on a treadmill, in the park or in the bustling city, going for a run can clear your mind from day to day life and set you up for success.

ASOS approached us with an idea to promote the new range Nike Air Pegasus range of trainers. Filmed in a studio on a treadmill we doodle bombed characters into the scene. Making the characters interact with the actor was a fun part of this project. Push, shove, jump and dive, keeping fit is great fun and it puts you right back into the game.

The bleak black and white characters replaced with vibrant cute creatures after the ‘take off’ moment. Get the endorphins pumping and hit the ground running, there’s no better feeling than when you’re getting into your running flow. That was one of the key aims with this Nike Pegasus animation.


Illustration by Roger Wade.